Bachelor of Computer Science / Science

昆士兰大学 (UQ)

机构类型: 大学/高等教育机构
等级: 本科生
CRICOS: 00025B

Study this four-year dual program to obtain two qualifications in less time and graduate with in-demand skills, ready to make a difference in solving some of world's most challenging problems.Computer science combines the theoretical studies of algorithms and data structures with the practical challenges of implementing them in hardware and software systems. Skills learnt in this program are used in fields ranging from bioinformatics to digital humanities.You'll develop the strong analytical, logical and development skills necessary to advance computing and its applications. You can specialise in cyber security, data science, machine learning, programming languages or scientific computing.In the science program, students can select from a broad-based set of courses, which lay the foundation for completing a specialised major in later years. Choose from a wide range of majors to develop your interdisciplinary scientific knowledge and practical skills while pursuing studies that suit your interests and ambitions, with the freedom to mix and match course combinations.


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